John Singer Sargent Watercolor Exhibition Brooklyn

One of my all time Heroes, John Singer Sargent, is having an Exhibition of his Watercolors at the Brooklyn Museum. The show runs from April 5th to July 28th.  I am hoping to get a chance to see it in person but in the meantime I ordered the catalog.  It is fantastic ! I highly recommend it.  There is a Sargent watercolor book out there but it pales in comparison to this new Beauty.  The book is 10×12 inches, 252 pages, 3.6 lbs.  I purchased the hardcover on Amazon for $40.





“New Work New Voices” group show @ Gallery 1261

I am very honored and excited to be showing Gallery 1261 and Exhibiting with the super talented Hollis Dunlap, Ulrich Gleiter, Marc Hanson, Jeff Legg, Derek Penix. The show is titled “New Works New Voices” and opens April 19th. I will be showing “Self Portrait #3” one of my very favorites.


“Self Portrait #3”


New Class Schedule

New Painting Class !
7-10 pm Tuesdays
Beginning April 2nd
Santa Clarita Studio 8 wks $440
Learn to paint. We do a little bit of everything  People, Dogs, Trees, Boats, ect.

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………….and on
Tuesdays from 11-3pm $520 April 2nd @ the Santa Clarita Studio


Workshop @ The Scottsdale Artist’s School
Spend a whole week with me in Scottsdale.
Composing the Head and Figure
April  20-24th Scottsdale, Arizona



“Illustrating Modern Life” Pepperdine University

I finally got a chance to see the illustration show @ Pepperdine University”s Frederick R Weismen Museum.  What a treat!!!! so many of my heroes all in one place!  Dean Cornwell, J C Leyendecker, Norman Rockwell, Mead Scheaffer, Joseph Clement Coll, Charles Dana Gibson, ect ect ! There is a really nice catalog to go along with the exhibition.  here are some of the photos I took today. for more information here is a link to the University’s page LINK    Thank You to Michael Zakian for putting together such a great show !












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Scottsdale Workshop April 20-24th 2013

I am going to be Teaching a 5 day Portrait and Figure Workshop April 20-24th at the Scottsdale Artists’ School.

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Zorn Chart 101sm
The first two days we will discuss the head beginning with a portrait demo. The remaining three days will be focused on the figure including a demo . Each day I will lecture,all secrets will be revealed !


Transition SMMALL




Valentine’s Day Show Naples, Florida

I am participating in a three person Valentine’s Day Show In Naples Florida titled

“A Touch of Romance”

Lindsey Goodwin, Pauline Roche, and Aaron Westerberg
24×15 oil on panel

*most of the paintings in the show are posted


Artists on Art Winter issue

The Winter issue of Artists on Art is out !   It is jam packed with Great Articles written by some Mighty Fine artists, including me.  I wrote an article for them on Visual Recognition.  Check it out !

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New Solomon J Solomon Book !

This painting is pretty amazing, wouldn’t it be great if this guy wrote a book on painting?  Well he did! “The Practice of Oil Painting and Drawing” by Solomon J Solomon (1860-1927) I guess I am a little behind here but this used to be a difficult/expensive book to come across, it looks like Dover reprinted it this year with an introduction by James Gurney.  The Amazon link is below.

The book not only goes over his techniques of Oil painting and underlying principals of Figure Drawing but the Techniques of Several other schools of painting including the Dutch, Spanish, French and British with examples of each.  I just started reading it and its fantastic!!!


Here is the Amazon link to the book. Happy Painting !


Inernational Artist Magazine Step by Step

Check out the December/January Issue of International Artist Magazine, along with some other stellar Artists I have a little step by step painting demo………..


How to draw tutorials

A friend of mine Stan Prokopenko, also a really good painter, has made a few Very nice drawing videos based on the Andrew Loomis Books. They are spot on! Enjoy !


Also…..One of my favorite students, Shelli Alford, has created a Blog where she writes about all her Art adventures as she travels around the world taking Artist workshops !

The Traveling Artist

